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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Aquaman Comes Ashore

Every so often the Shrine is lucky enough to receive an email in a bottle from F.O.A.M.er Barry Fackler, who resides in Hawaii (which is why I hate him), and sends us pics of Aquaman in the wilds.

This is the Sea King coming ashore at Barry's favorite diving spot Honaunau on Hawaii's big island. Apparently underwater photography has been difficult of late, due to something called "winter surf" (which is probably when the temperature dropping to a chilly 70 degrees). But things seem to be clearing up so Barry will once be under the sea accompanied by the King himself! Thanks Barry and I still hate you!

Check out more Barry's Aquaman photography here:

1 comment:

BBNETMAN said...

That is an awesome pic!!! I hate that guy too! Beautiful!