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Monday, April 15, 2013

Injustice: Gods Among Us Promo

Injustice: Gods Among Us hits game-outlets tomorrow and with it the Sea King will be making a huge splash not just his hardcore fans, but with many who up until now have been members of the "He Talks to Fish Club." In the coming weeks, the Shrine will be posting game-play reviews submitted by fans and followers of the Shrine but today we are featuring two videos for your viewing pleasure.

The first is a TV spot that's gone viral online and Twitter featuring Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith (keep an eye out for the art of Reis/Prado/Reis as well as the great Jim Aparo in the background) and the second is the Official Injustice Cinematic Trailer which just touches on some of the amazing moments and dialogue that Aquaman has in the storyline. If you plan to play, be sure to let us know your thoughts too and if you're doing so on Twitter, use the tag #MadSharks to see who else is talking about Aquaman.


BlUsKrEEm said...

Did you notice The DC Universe Online adding Aquaman and Manta themed armor in their next expansion (http://www.comicsalliance.com/2013/04/11/dc-universe-online-origin-crisis-dlc/) ? It's been a good month for aquaman in video games.

On other late news: Justice League / Justice League Unlimited has been added to Netflix streaming. Aquaman had a few episodes worth checking out.

Shellhead said...

Yo, Aquaman's got MAD SHARKS!

Ryan said...

Aquaman's got MADSHARKS! Can't wait.