Yeah, whoever inked Sears here blew it. Since it was an Eclipso annual, a lot of them at the time had like fifty inkers per book. Or it was credited to 'Manny Hands."
In defense of Sears and Smith (both of whom I usually like,) this Chromium Age atrocity was by unknown before and since Wizard Magazine Brutes & Babes drop-out Audwynn Jermaine Newman from one of the latter day issues of the Eclipso (of which I sadly have a complete set.) Seeing it here may be akin to a 'Nam flashback.
Ah, so it's someone doing a REALLY bad Sears rip-off. I sometimes thought Sear stuff was a bit overwrought later one, and preferred his early JLE stuff, but he still had the technical chops to back his style up. another matter.
Ugh, Eclipso... easily one of my least favorite DC villains ever. I agree with Nightwing's sentiment. :-p (And hoping Arthur/Diana/etc. *did* clean his clock...)
I couldn't resist posting this, even tho it is an example of the nadir of Image-influenced comics from the 90s.
The art is by Audwynn Jermaine Newman and Ray Kryssing, two of my classmates from the Kubert School. I always got along with them (well, Jermaine at least) and thought they were talented, but I think they learned a little too much from Bart Sears, who was one of our instructors.
That may be the most horrible art ever.
I know it's either Bart Sears or Andy Smith, and they can both do much better.
Yeah, whoever inked Sears here blew it. Since it was an Eclipso annual, a lot of them at the time had like fifty inkers per book. Or it was credited to 'Manny Hands."
that's probably what happened here.
In defense of Sears and Smith (both of whom I usually like,) this Chromium Age atrocity was by unknown before and since Wizard Magazine Brutes & Babes drop-out Audwynn Jermaine Newman from one of the latter day issues of the Eclipso (of which I sadly have a complete set.) Seeing it here may be akin to a 'Nam flashback.
Should read:
"Eclipso ongoing series (of which..."
Ah, so it's someone doing a REALLY bad Sears rip-off. I sometimes thought Sear stuff was a bit overwrought later one, and preferred his early JLE stuff, but he still had the technical chops to back his style up. another matter.
According to Comic Vine it's Audwynn Jermaine Newman, who had a handful of Marvel and DC credits from 92-94 and then left the industry.
Ugh, Eclipso... easily one of my least favorite DC villains ever. I agree with Nightwing's sentiment. :-p (And hoping Arthur/Diana/etc. *did* clean his clock...)
I couldn't resist posting this, even tho it is an example of the nadir of Image-influenced comics from the 90s.
The art is by Audwynn Jermaine Newman and Ray Kryssing, two of my classmates from the Kubert School. I always got along with them (well, Jermaine at least) and thought they were talented, but I think they learned a little too much from Bart Sears, who was one of our instructors.
Ugh. The 90's.
The less said, the better.
I thought maybe the upcoming Black Diamond quasi-crossover played a role in the posting.
From the complete absence of feet, the tortured, improbable facial expressions, and bad anatomy, I was assuming it was Rob Liefeld.
If it wasn't, then whoever it was should be very, very ashamed.
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