The Shrine is planning all sorts of fun things this year to celebrate this, Aquaman's 70th year. One of them is The Aquaman Shrine Header Contest--here's what it is, and how to enter:
Simply create an image of Aquaman that is 721 pixels wide x 172 pixels high (like what you see above, in miniature). It can be in any medium, can feature any iteration of Aquaman (or one you make up yourself). It can feature any member(s) of the Aquaman supporting cast, but it must feature the Sea King in some way. The more creative, the better!
There's no particular deadline for entries, because my plan is to feature 11 different artists' work--one new header illustration for each of the remaining months of 2011. If your piece is selected, it will sit atop the Shrine for an entire calendar month, and will feature a link to your site at the top right of the sidebar so all the other Aqua-Fans can check out your work.
Please email all entries to Shrine Central, and if yours is selected you will be notified of such and when your piece is going up. At the end of the year, all entries will be shown off in one giant post, to celebrate all you Aqua-Fans' talent and enthusiasm for the Sea King. (Just as a formality: of course, any material submitted is the property of the artist. The Shrine reserves the right just to use the piece for one month)
Any questions, please ask, and get to work Aqua-Fans!
Update: Since posting this yesterday, I've had some people write me a little confused. So let me be more specific: the Shrine is looking for original artwork, original interpretations of the Sea King, in any medium--pen and ink, paint, computer modeling, paper dolls, anything! But it has to be your particular "take" on Aquaman.
As much as this to celebrate Aquaman's 70th year, the main point of this contest is to show off the work of the many talented Aqua-Fans out there, so let's see it!
i love fanart so I'm looking forward to this. I won't be submitting anything though, because I have the artistic skills of a dead leech.
Fair enough! If there's an artist whose work you like who you think might be up for this, let them know!
Oh, special thanks to FOAMer Joe Slab for brainstorming this idea with me!
Wow - VERY cool contest, Rob! I am no artist, but I like playing around. Maybe I will submit something ... if I can get it looking decent.
Very cool.
Thank you for always keeping this interesting & fun here!
FOAMer Joe Slab should totally start his own Blog (as a companion to the Shrine!)
We can use all the support for the king of fishes we can get! :)
I may send some art, if i get the chance to get it done. cool Idea guys! :)
I'm on it! Now what can top Aqua-Pugs and terriers?
Is there a place on the site where we can see all the past headers that have run on the Shrine?
There will be in January when we have all 12 headers in!
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