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Monday, August 09, 2010

Red Lantern Mera at the SDCC

F.O.A.M.er Barry Fackler found this photo in a SDCC-themed Flickr stream, not too long after I predicted we'd start seeing convention-goers dressed as Mera due to her increased, post-Blackest Night profile. Here's the proof!

Sure, its the Red Lantern version of Mera, but it's a start. Thanks Barry!


Wings1295 said...


Aquamariner said...


John said...


russell said...

I guess red sequins are easier to find than green sequins? I love the head-rest, though...

Anonymous said...

Pretty funny stuff, and you have to admit, creative. Who wants to see another regular ole Batman, Wonder Woman, etc?

BTW, the girl on the bottom right looks like a zombie Wonder Woman. Anyone know who the girl on the left is supposed to be? She's got on a red ring...

rob! said...


I've been trying to figure that out, too.

Unknown said...

That's me as Mera! We did a big lanterns group, so that's why I'm Red Lantern Mera. The red head is and orange lantern and the other girl is indeed Black Lantern Wonder Woman.

We had a green lantern and an Indigo Tribe Atom with us as well. :)