This mini-comic, titled "Captain Action & Action Boy With The World's Greatest Superheroes", was included as a freebie in the packages of Captain Action dolls made by Ideal.
Drawn by Chic Stone, it features the good captain and his eager beaver sidekick taking on some aliens, while running into all the legendary heroes whose identities Captain Action could assume!
That makes this book a real oddity, in that it features DC and Marvel heroes (plus others like The Lone Ranger and Flash Gordon) all in the same story! Holy Licensed Properties!
I asked (and big CA fan) Craig Wichman where I might find scans of the book, and within minutes he pointed me to Kelly Callen's Blog, who scanned the entire comic and posted it. Yee-hah!
In the interest of not borrowing too much content from someone else's blog, here's just the pages featuring Aquaman and Aqualad:
I really love this comic, its such an unusual little book. Too bad this kind of licensing crossover is the kind of thing that can never really happen again; its so much fun seeing all these legendary heroes in the same adventure!
Thanks to Kerry and his blog for the scans and to Craig for the help!
Always a pleasure, boss; and Kerry gets the big kudos.
Great week, all.
-Craig W.
Just wonderful. And I really loved your Nick Cardy/BP cover too!
I got this with my Action Boy figure. Does it ever bring back memories!
(Mainly, I remembered that I'm getting really really old...)
Craig--Thanks, as always, for the help!
Ed--Thanks. That cover has done quite a lot for the Shrine...
RAB--I know what you mean. I was listening to a movie podcast the other day and the guest mentioned Famous Monsters of Filmland, and the hosts had absolutely no clue what that was. I felt ancient for a few moments.
Happens to the best (and, for that matter, the worst, too!) of us...
(By the way, Rob - do you know a shiny new FM, under better stewards, is coming next month?:
Beast Witches,
I did see that, very excited!
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