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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Aquaman Original Art Gallery - Lui Louie

These three Aqua-Portraits are courtesy our newest F.O.A.M. member, Lui Louie, who obviously finds a lot of artistic inspiration in the Sea King. I particularly like the last one--look how friendly Aquaman is!

You can see more of Lui's art over on his DeviantArt page, where he has more examples of his unusual style (I really dig the piece called "Gig Poster").

Thanks Lui, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!


Wings1295 said...

The bottom pic looks like a mash-up between Aquaman and Sawyer from LOST.

Dennis Doucette said...

Wings- Thats so weird!!! That was the first thing I thought of as well

IADW said...

These are all really cool! I like the last one best because it has that watercolour feel to it, which just helps theme the whole thing :D

Great stuff Lui!

Louie Joyce said...

Woo! FOAM member. Thanks Rob.

Him looking like Sawyer was probably intentional i think. I always thought Sawyer had a good Aquaman look.

Glad you guys like 'em.