Here's the back of the package, courtesy Jon Helfenstein. I think they probably should've put the word nutrition in quotes.
So, not only was I not aware of a Brave and the Bold tie-in with Airheads candy, but there's a whole big marketing push behind the idea! You can even vote for your favorite character/flavor, via their website:
So, not only was I not aware of a Brave and the Bold tie-in with Airheads candy, but there's a whole big marketing push behind the idea! You can even vote for your favorite character/flavor, via their website:

As you can see, Batman and his B&B co-stars Red Tornado, Blue Beetle, Plastic Man, Green Arrow, as well as Aquaman are part of this tie-in, which is cool as heck!
I generally don't eat candy, but now I think I have to make a stop at the candy aisle in my local Target. Thanks fellas!
I need to look for these, too! Forgot when I was at Target! DOH!
And hey, we need a F.O.A.M. presence going at the site, cause the Aquaman flavor is currently in LAST PLACE!!! NO!
I did my part. Aquaman at 6.96%.
He's up to an even 7% after my vote. It's just like the old public election slogan: Vote early and vote often!
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