This custom t-shirt was made by F.O.A.M. member Kristen Livingston, who also created the Aquaman "Munny" figurine I posted a few weeks back. Kristen is a fountain of Aquaman custom merchandise!
Here's Kristen: "I've done a few of these now. Basically, take a dark, plain shirt, make a stencil of a design you want, stick it to the shirt and spray bleach. This one was the third one I did.
I've been going through volumes of Showcase Presents collections and keeping note of interesting panels. How could I pass on Aquaman and Aqualad eating cake? Credit to Ramona Fradon for the great original art."
Awesome, I love it! Thanks Kristen!
Here's Kristen: "I've done a few of these now. Basically, take a dark, plain shirt, make a stencil of a design you want, stick it to the shirt and spray bleach. This one was the third one I did.
I've been going through volumes of Showcase Presents collections and keeping note of interesting panels. How could I pass on Aquaman and Aqualad eating cake? Credit to Ramona Fradon for the great original art."
Awesome, I love it! Thanks Kristen!
Cool, I can think of a few panels this would work nicely with.
I'd love to see the stencil. Does Kristen have some images of the process to look at? I'm feeling inspired, want to try this eventually.
That is so unbelievably cool!
I'm off to get some bleach and a Batman comic!
Awesome idea and a great looking shirt. This really lends itself to some incredible possibilities with other heroes. Does she do requests? :)
Hey guys, this is Kristen.
Brian, I'd do requests but I can't say I'm the most reliable person, and to make one yourself honestly isn't that difficult.
Give me a bit and I'll get some "how to" pictures up for you guys.
Kristen, I'd really appreciate some "how to" help. I'd love to try this method. THANK YOU!
Alright, here's a link to a tutorial I just wrote. I tried to make it pretty complete, but if you have questions just leave them in the comments.
Awesome shirt and what a sweet image!
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