In the comments section, F.O.A.M. member Andy Luckett pointed out a silly--yet vitally important--online poll that's going on over at the Chicago Tribune's website, where you can vote for the best superhero of all time.
Its starting with various one-on-one face-offs, and our hero Aquaman has been paired up against...The Incredible Hulk!
Here's what it looks like:
...and here's where the voting stands as of now. It ain't pretty, Aquaman fans:
...this can not stand! First off, look at the comments left above: the question is "Who is the better superhero?", not Who Can Beat Who, so the Hulk fans--like their hero--are seemingly too dumb to even understand the question they're being asked! Are we gonna let Aquaman lose some meaningless poll like this? Hell no, I say!
So I implore everyone who is reading this to go here and vote for the King of the Seven Seas!
Plus, the Hulk is an antihero at best, a menace at worst. He's not a very good superhero at all.
I think you may have had some impact, Rob! Looks like Arthur has gain a couple percentage points.
I cannot join you in this battle, old friend.
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