I went to the 2006 NYC Con surprised at how packed the place was--you could barely move inside the hall, there were so many people(this was the infamous con where people who actually had bought tickets weren't allowed in because of overcrowding).
I was with my buddy Chris and both of us decided instantaneously that we didn't want to be there too long, it was so uncomfortable just getting around. So as I was scanning Artists' Alley, I came across a table for Irwin Hasen, legendary Dondi artist and co-creator of Wildcat. Not only that, but Irwin had the dubious distinction of trying to teach me during my third-year at the Kubert School!
I went up to him and (re-)introduced myself--I was sure Irwin wouldn't remember me, and he didn't. But I asked him for a sketch and since Irwin is all about the benjamins, he agreed, though he confessed not knowing what Aquaman looked like! C'mon, Irwin, they can't all be Wildcat sketches!
Anyway, his assistant pointed out the cover of my book, designed just for this emergency! Irwin banged out this sketch--entirely in marker, no pencil--within about two minutes, as I watched. While, sure, the sketch is pretty loose, Irwin demonstrated a skill that he and a lot of older guys who were my Kubert School instructors--Irwin, Joe Kubert, Hy Eisman--had, that was the ability to bang out a perfectly simple little drawing with seemingly no preparation. Simply amazing!
I thanked Irwin for the sketch and moved on, the whole process taking five minutes, tops.
Met Irwin at a Big Apple, maybe in '05? He signed a JSA piece I had with me - gratis!
His "loose Caniff" style was never one of my faves, but I grew up seeing his DONDI strip in the Daily News every Sunday (back when newspaper strips still got GREAT presentation!)
Yep,the sheer Craft of those Old Pros is amazing. There at the Apple, I've met folks like Infantino, Simon, Nodell, Schwartz, and Anderson. We're not going to have that generation - "The Founders", really - with us forever...
Musta been great to work with such like at Kubert's!
The best thing about Irwin Hasen is his fashion. I think every time I've ever seen him he's either been dressed as Mr. Howell from Gilligan's Island, but without the sailor hat, or he's wearing an awesome mustard colored jumpsuit.
In other news, I'm at HeroesCon this weekend, and today I picked up the first issue of the Pozner/Hamilton Aquaman mini today solely based on what I've read here. I hope to find the rest and get them autographed by Mr. Hamilton tomorrow (if that's him above -- I'll be seeking you out!).
I spent today strutting around in my Target-bought Garcia-Lopez Aquaman shirt, representin'. I directed a few people who asked about my shirt to this site and I hope they find it....
first, thanks for pimping the site to the HeroesCon attendees!!
second, while the Craig above is not Craig Hamilton, i know CH will be pleased people are seeking out the mini because of my relentless plugging. tell him the Shrine sent ya!
>> he's wearing an awesome mustard colored jumpsuit.<<
he wore that on MANY a class day, from what i remember. Mondays, first period, Sept 1991-May 1992...
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