I went to the 2005 Philly ComiCon determined to get at least one or two sketches, and as soon as I saw Alex Saviuk at a table I made a bee-line for him.
Alex had drawn the Aquaman back-up feature in Action Comics(back when it rotated with Air-Wave and Atom) so I thought here's a chance to not only get a sketch for the book, but to get it from someone who was involved in Aquaman's publishing history.
Alex said he was happy to meet another Aquaman fan, so I dropped the book off and went searching for comics to buy. Unfortunately, at the time the Philly con was still fairly small, so I managed to do all the shopping I was going to do in less than forty-five minutes, so there was a lot of sitting around reading the stuff I did buy as I surruptitiously spied on Alex from a far, trying to see if he was done.
Soon after he did finish, and I got to see the really nice piece he put together. I love the heavy black modeling lines he used to give it a moody feel and the dynamic pose. Awesome! I thanked Alex profusely and left the con, knowing I'd return the next day in search of more sketches!
I know several people who thought Alex Saviuk was terrible, but I always thought he had a certain dynamic style that I enjoyed. This drawing looks really good. Kewl!
As a kid I really enjoyed Alex's clean, easy to follow style. There definitely is a dynamic to his art that is lost on lots of folks. He is vastly underrated. I only wish he could have done his long Spider-Man run at another time than during the McFarlane era. Every artist at Marvel was told to emulate McFarlane's over-abundance of webs and huge eyes. What worked for Todd didn't work for everyone. Sauvik could have given us the cleanest, simply dynamic Spidey since Romita. Oh well.
Great sketch!!!
Hear, hear! Alex and I worked together a lot on a variety of features over the years, from Kid Flash to Superboy and Vigilante and more. Like earth 2 chris said, his style was clean and dynamic and always served the storytelling--he was working with Will Eisner on a SPIRIT story when Will died...if THAT doesn't tell you something about the man's chops, I don't know what will.
AND, his teenagers actually looked like teens and not shorter, more slender adults!
PLUS, he's another of the industry's gentlemen.
Nice drawing.
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