It's Adventure Sunday!
Aquaman just can't help performing charitable works for Surface Dwellers, even if it sometimes it causes trouble:
Aquaman and Aqualad get shot out of a cannon, only for Topo to do the same, where the three of them collide in the sky! Aquaman, unconscious, falls into the sea in front of the shocked spectators:
...and so ends another adventure for Aquaman and Aqualad!
I was kinda glad that there was nothing sinister behind Topo's behavior; as Aquaman said, he's just a big ham! But of course he gets to redeem himself, taking care of the bad guys with extreme prejudice. Crook-wise, I don't really think there's much shame being defeated by an octopus wearing boxing gloves, since how could anyone prepare for such an occurrence?
By the way, if this story title sounds a little familiar, it's because he participated in "Aquaman's Sea Circus" in Adventure Comics #154. I guess in the intervening decade, comic editors felt they needed the adjective to jazz it up a bit.
Wonder what the last comic was that had Topo drawn with cartoonish eyes (as seen in this story)?
Elsewhere on Earth-1...
Re: the World's Finest: Luthor creates a "negative" double of Superman that's dedicated to crime, which gives the World's Finest a problem.
Speaking of recycled titles/premises, this story has a similar title and premise to 1954's "The Phantom Superman" from Action Comics #199. Either this issue's events are the Earth-1 versions of the Earth-2 Superman and Aquaman's adventures, or someone with writer's block was rushing to meet a deadline. :-p
DC did A LOT of recycling from the mid 40s through the late 60s. Sometimes they'd only wait about 5 years before dusting an old story off and slightly tweaking it to redraw and republish. The thought back then was the readership turned over every 5-7 years or so. My, how times change, huh?
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