The very first issue of Swamp Thing I ever bought. I'm sure a lot of people were like me, who bought it only because the JLA appeared in it. I was hooked by the wonderful Bissette/Toltleben art, which was like something I had never seen before. I was adding Swamp Thing to my list shortly after reading this issue like 20 times.
The very first issue of Swamp Thing I ever bought. I'm sure a lot of people were like me, who bought it only because the JLA appeared in it. I was hooked by the wonderful Bissette/Toltleben art, which was like something I had never seen before. I was adding Swamp Thing to my list shortly after reading this issue like 20 times.
I would have liked to have seen what an Alan Moore Aquaman-centric story would have been like.
"...Beneath the ocean there are terrible lights..."
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