Replacing him will be Batman '66's Jeff Parker, who takes over with #26. But there's more news than that coming...
It's been an exciting two years to be an Aquaman fan, and it looks like things are only going to get more so, very soon!
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I would be bummed, but Jeff Parker has been doing some amazing work with Batman '66. I'm very excited to see what he will do with Aquaman.
I'm ready for a change. Hope Parker does a good job.
I love Jeff Parker! This will bring me back to Aquaman.
I am really enjoying Batman'66 AND I'm ready for a change, so I say, "Full steam ahead!"
Batman 66 is pretty amazing... I'll allow it.
I'm not excited about this because Geoff Johns has turned Aquaman into the most consistently good book month in and month out. That being said, I'm not worried about much of a decrease in quality.
Whether you're a fan of Geoff or Jeff, this is one of those rare times that Aquaman fans are going to be able to have their cake and eat it too...!
Who's doing the artwork?
Did Shag start the Cancellation Clock? :-)
Paul Pelletier is still sticking around for the art. I'm not ready to see Geoff go. I am glad he's still on Justice League, though, giving him the ability to keep working with the characters.
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