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Monday, August 12, 2013

Aquaman on the Web: Animated Movie?

This isn't "official" confirmation, but since it's coming from Geoff Johns himself, how much else do we need to expect an animated Aquaman movie?!? 


Anonymous said...

Hey hey! That's exciting news!

Randy Meyer said...

I'll believe it when I see it. I am still pissed about finding out that Aquaman has been replaced with Shazam in the JL origin movie.

It's one thing to adapt a JLA story without him. That's fine. But when you make a conscious decision to adapt a JLA story with him in it, yet replace him with another character, that's just wrong.

r duncan said...

When this happens--and it will happen--one person will deserve the credit. Rob and the Aquaman Shrine resurrected Aquaman from comic book limbo and showed there was broad support for the character.

Rob's name won't be in the credits but we will know.

rob! said...

Rick, that's giving me way, WAY more credit than I deserve, but I appreciate the comment nonetheless.

Michael Holloway said...

I can't wait for this! I hope it comes soon, and it's about time!