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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Imaginext: Black Manta

F.O.A.M.er Eric Stettmeier caught this little item over on Target.com, so presumably it's also on sale in stores as well: an Imaginext Black Manta set!

You may not remember, but it was due to the grassroots efforts spearheaded by F.O.A.M.er Brent Almond that got Fisher Price to make an Imaginext Aquaman in the first place, after imporing them to on their website The fact that they've now made a villain to go along with him must mean that Imaginext Aquaman was a pretty big hit! Brent take a bow!

Great catch Eric, thanks, and congrats Brent!


Orin's dad said...

Totally cool!

Sphinx Magoo said...

That's awesome! I must have it!

Orin's dad said...

I checked Target.com, and it's not sold online, only in stores. Unfortunately, none of the stores within 100 miles of me have it. Sigh... Will keep checking though. This is way too cool to not have! :-)

Earth 2 Chris said...

My daughter loves her Aquaman, so she was excited to see Black Manta is out there to fight him!


Russell said...

I can't find this at my neighborhood Target, either. :-(

Shellhead said...

It's not out yet, guys.
Try again around Xmas.

BlUsKrEEm said...

but MANTA... I want it now!

Designer Daddy said...

Holy Fishsticks!!!

Anonymous said...

My target just did a reset and have a peg for this at $13.99.. but no manta to fill the peg yet.. doubt it will be empty til christmas though