As the official contest page explains, all you have to do to win is be in grades 3-6, and write about a real superhero in your life. The submission should should describe your hero and why they are a hero in your eyes.
There are a number of prizes, but the Grand Prize is a trip for four to the DC Entertainment offices and a tour of Warner Bros. Animation Studios, travel, lodging, and transportation included! So what are you waiting for? Head over to Capstone's Be A Super Hero. Read Contest page and sign up!
Sigh. In the JLU days, Martian Manhunter tended to turn up in stuff like this. Now, the mass media JLA is always six parts with no minorities and one female. Plus, Aquaman and Green Lantern are both striking the same pose.
Such a ray of sunshine, Frank.
well diabolu frank has several good points. at least 52% of America's population is female & at least 35% has a racial minority background but you would never know it with the comic industry's version of marketing.aquaman & gl could have had unique poses if more thought was put in stuff like this.
I'd like to grab the grand prize. I wish so.
Back when I worked at Borders I used to LOVE doing storytime for the kids and I always liked to read books like these to them.
Hmmm...my brother-in-law is a cop, and my nephew falls into this age range...I wonder if the little guy knows a real life superhero?
Thanks for sharing this Rob! I'm going to pass it along!
That is such a great idea for a contest! Asking children to recognize real-life heroes helps reinforce the difference between fiction and reality, while at the same time helps them celebrate inspirational folks. As a parent, I think this is a wonderful lesson to teach.
Sadly my kids are in 1st and 7th grade. :( Maybe in a couple years my daughter can participate when she's in 3rd grade!
Good luck to everyone that enters!
The Irredeemable Shag
I am going to let my brother know so my niece can take part! Cool contest!!!
Very cool contest! I'm going to share with a group of dad bloggers I network with!
So, if a large portion of people THINK you're a toddler, does that qualify me for entry?
Sounds like a great idea! I would've totally entered as a kid. I think I know a few kids who would love to enter this!
Nice to see them doing this...
This is a great idea, and I've passed it on to my friends whose kids are about the right age. This is definitely the type of contest I would enter when I was a kid.
And Frank and Aqua Buckeye (I-O!), you can't really fault Capstone for using the most popular characters in their ads. John Stewart used to be in everything until Ryan Reynolds made GL Hal again....but John IS still around. And Aquaman is popular (hallelujah) so we should be glad he's there. Their poses aren't exactly the same, either. And one last thing...inside the Aqualad DC Super-Pets book you will see John as well as Apache Chief, Mera, Mary Marvel, Supergirl, Batgirl, Nicoletta (young Mera-ite), Jayna, and Hawkgirl. So the content is there if you look for it.
Cool contest! I wish I could enter. But I'll definitely tell my next door neighbors' little boy about this.
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