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Monday, December 03, 2012

What Did Aquaman Ever Do To Neil deGrasse Tyson?

I mean, seriously.


David J. Cutler said...

So Superman came to earth in a faster than light spacecraft?

Anonymous said...

NDGT is probably working with Black Manta.

Wings1295 said...

Does every idol HAVE to fall off their pedestal? Sheesh! ;(

Jorge PR said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rob! said...

Its all in good fun. I'm a fan of NdGT but I am troubled by his Aqua-Hate. He's a highly-educated man, and should know better!

Jorge PR said...

Is it OK to insult someone in this blog? Oh well, what does that Neil guy know anyway? (still thinking of a good insult for him though? Arthur's getting some love in the comments though.

Randy Meyer said...

Just goes to show that there are still people in all walks of life who don't view Aquaman with the aqua-colored glasses we all view him with.

And pretty soon we also won't have Vibe to kick around anymore!! LOL

dhemmann said...

I'm happy to add Neil deGrasse Tyson to Aquaman's rogues gallery, he definitely places above the Fisherman!

Joseph Brian Scott said...

Eh. I don't think an astronomer would be of much use in Atlantis, either.

Unknown said...

Nice vest, Neil.

Shellhead said...

I think it's a good thing. Yet another example of how ingrained Aquaman is in pop culture. Neil could have just as easily said Spider-man or Batman, but he didn't.

Aaron said...

@ DJC- Actually, no. According to Neil DeGrasse Tyson's theory, Baby Supes' spacecraft fell through a wormhole; a "wrinkle in time" if you will. Which means that it traveled from point a to point c while skipping point b thereby skipping the 27 light year distance altogether.

I think we need to find an Oceanographer to take up with our camp!

Michael Bailey said...

I was wondering what you thought of that comment.

Maybe if he was a marine biologist it would be different.

Anonymous said...

This is the guy that said Aquaman isn't good for America? I always saw America as the place where the good and the bad from around the world come together, makes us great. His folks are from the coolest places ever. I give him an "A" for Arthur, Aquaman, American Dad, Atlantis Mom and Awesome.....he's got all A's.