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Monday, December 03, 2012

The Daily Planet - Dec. 1981

I found this December 1981 installment of The Daily Planet on the back cover of an old issue of World's Finest, and boy howdy was I excited. In addition to the fact it covers Justice League of America #200 (TSGPOLEPBWC), but it also features a slight variation of the classic cover by George Perez:
Here, the background elements (representing the settings of each chapter) are in the original black and white, before they were changed into different colors. Sure, not exactly the most earth-shattering difference, but to this fan of JLA #200, every extra little piece of arcana surrounding that comic is worth noticing. (Speaking of noticing, I love Aquaman riding on The Red Tornado's back, while strangling him at the same time. Bad-ass!)

Today just happens to be the 31st anniversary of the book's release on December 3, 1981. I remember buying the comic off the stands, and still have the same copy. I'll never get rid of it.


Earth 2 Chris said...

See, I had that World's Finest, but could never find JLA #200. It took me several more years and my first trips to a comic shop around the end of the decade to finally get a copy of this milestone.


Anthony said...

The solicit also mentions the debut of "Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew" #1, the series that gave the world the "Just'a Lotta Animals" (with Aquaduck)!

Randy Meyer said...

I remember buying the book off the rack at 7-11 in Skokie, IL. I could tell the story to my grandchildren someday, I remember it so well. I bought 200 and 201 at the same time!

Joe Slab said...

I STILL can't get over the fact that Aquaman was the only original JLAer who couldn't beat the new kid on his own without the Deus Ex Machina of the Phantom Stranger intervening. Old wounds!

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about arcana, Rob. Everytime I read a bit in a Beatles or Stones interview about somebody swapping instruments on some obscure deep cut, I feel like I've deciphered another sentence on the tablets.

James Chatterton