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Thursday, December 20, 2012

It's An Aquaman Adrock Christmas!

These festive photos come from F.O.A.M. member Alexander Adrock, who says that Aquaman topping their family Christmas tree has become a holiday tradition.

Pictured with Alex--rocking his Aqua-Hoodie--is his daughter Iris ("sadly not named Mera and happiloy not named Dolphin", he adds), who potentially would have been named Orin if the whole chromosome thing had gone the other way.

Thanks for the great pics, Alex, and Merry Christmas!


Wings1295 said...

Nice! Happy Holidays!

r duncan said...

Iris is a good DC name.

Designer Daddy said...

I have a friend who named his daughter Helena Kara.

And I think Orin could work for a girl's name. Certainly more so than "Arthur" :)

Joseph Brian Scott said...

Very cute! Happy Festival of Lights (Atlantean version)!