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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Aquaman T-Shirts on Popfunk!

Speaking of t-shirts, we have an exciting announcement today!

The good folks at PopFunk.com have partnered with the Shrine to offer readers 10% off any of their Aquaman t-shirts! All you have to is enter the coupon code AQUASHRINE between now and January 31, 2013!

This is the first time a licensed dealer of Aqua-merch has teamed-up with the Shrine, so we're very excited and we're hoping this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. So if you're in the market for an Aquaman t-shirt, please let PopFunk know that the Aquaman Shrine sent ya!

Click here to see Popfunk's selection of Aquaman T-Shirts!


Wings1295 said...


Earth 2 Chris said...

Now we can look just like Dr. Sheldon Cooper!


Orin's dad said...

How totally cool! Awesome promo!

Russell said...

Must. Buy. More. ;-)

rob! said...

I'm normally not a shill, but: BUY! BUY! BUY!