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Monday, November 19, 2012

Aquaman, Hostess Pitchman

R.I.P. Hostess Foods, 1930-2012


Wings1295 said...

Not even Aquaman and Mera can save those tasty treats. :(

Earth 2 Chris said...

And who drew most of these?



r duncan said...

Hostess Apple Fruit Pie, i will miss you. So will the Manta Men and Mera's astronauts.

Randy Meyer said...

Don't forget Slud-Jack!!

Joseph Brian Scott said...

I don't remember that top one at all, but to this day I still treasure the memory of having men dressed in manta costumes teach me what hands and fingers and mouths were meant for.

And where's the salty seawater tears of nostalgia for Suzy Qs? I think I'll miss them most of all.

Bryan W. Frazier said...

I have always loved those fun old Hostess Ads !! Good Times !! I always did wonder how that guy managed to breath underwater when eating Hostess with Aquaman and Slud - Jak !!