Using classic Jose Luis Garcia Lopez (Praise Be His Name) stock art on both the package and the car itself, I would have killed for this baby when I was a kid. Now I would simply push small children out of the way for it. What can I say, you have different priorities when you're an adult.
Thanks Tyrone!
Discussion Topic: Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, Red Tornado, Hawkwoman, Zatanna, and Firestorm can fly. Batman has his own ride, The Flash runs of course, which leaves Green Arrow, Atom, Black Canary, and Elongated Man needing rides to whatever disaster the JLA is heading for. Using his badass roadster, who does Aquaman give a lift to and who gets left behind?
Here's what'd happen:
Ollie isn't welcome because he always messes with the volume knobs (Black Canary's fault, no doubt).
Black Canary is a bit of a Back Seat driver, so she's out, too.
Elongated Man is welcome because he's funny, but not overbearing, which is cool, but also has a small bladder, so frequent stops are in order.
The Atom hitches a ride,anyway, regardless of invitation. Which explains why little tiny illustrations of the Justice league keep appearing on his license and registration. Arthur is reported as saying the "mysterious Micro scribblings" are "Funny, But Mean".
Love the car! I would have had this and wore it out as a kid.
As for the question: Ollie gets left behind. Cause Ollie can be a dick.
Atom travels fiber optically, and Ollie and Dinah take a cab because they like to make out in the back seat and offend/titillate the driver. Ralph can actually cover distances pretty quickly by getting really tall and skinny.
So I vote Tusky.
But wait: they barely get two city blocks before the car breaks down, because the engine overheats: He forgot to mix water with the coolant! Aquaman's greatest villain turns out to be irony.
There seems to be a whole line of these Hot Wheels cars. I've seen Wonder Woman, GL, Joker and Catwoman at Target. I also own the Flash one. Now I'm going to look for this Aquaman one!!
"Get in the fricki' car - I have to get to the shore, and I mean, like, AN HOUR AGO!!!"
Totally useless vehicle. Although you could argue since he's stronger underwater than air he gets winded walking. Of everyone he would leave behind Black Canary. Even Elongated Man has better skills than her.
I think he'd rotate his passenger list to keep up with the land-lubbere gossip and to keep it interesting. His favorite would probably be Elongated Man, cuz he could tell so many funny stories during the road trip.
I have to have one! As a dedicated Aquaman fan, this must be mine. Nothing in Aquaman's universe could ever be called useless, although even I might question how and when, not to mention where the great Sea King learned to drive, but still, this rocks. :)
Discussion answer: Aquaman is able to give everyone a ride. This vehicle is a Ford Ranchero, which has a pickup-style bed. Green Arrow, Atom, Black Canary, and the Elongated Man all have to ride in the back, though, because Mera will be riding shotgun.
I give three-to-one odds that she has an actual shotgun, too.
Green Arrow go in a flying bubble with GL Hal, Canary have her own bike, the Atom travel in Wonder Womans cleavance so is Ralph on the Car with Aquaman!
I actually think the most useless vehicle ever for our man Aquaman is the UNDERWATER sub they made for him in the Superfriends line! What? He needs an underwater vehicle???
In response to the above comment, why does Aquaman need an underwater vehicle when he lives and breathes in the water? Well, I'm guessing it's for the same reason that we air-breathing surface dwellers nonetheless have cars and motorcycles and bicycles that function in the air and let air in that we can breathe while we're driving ... because sometimes it's just too far to walk.
ok, black canary is in because eye candy always goes with a hot ride, like a burger and cherry coke. arrow gets left behind because he c-blocks aquaman. elongated man gets left out because he can propel himself stretch and release style like shooting a rubber band off your finger tip. Atom goes along for two reasons: A. he won't take up space. B. he's kind of a geek which will put him in the friend zone with canary making him a good wing man.
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