While DC has a long track record of omitting Aquaman from media campaigns (rob! has devoted acres of Shrine space to that very topic), it is the gosh-darn Sea King himself aligned with DC's Chief Creative Officer in this high-profile piece. Aquaman. Not Green Lantern. Not even the Justice League or Batman or SHAZAM (all projects currently in Geoff's stable), but Aquaman. Ponder the weight that carries for a moment...
Next, we'd like to comment on Mr. Johns' attire. No, not the hip leather jacket -- we're of course referring to the classic Aquaman logo cap that he's been showing off at many of his public appearances over the last year. Besides being the envy of every Aquaman fan out there, we believe there is a subtle marketing message within his choice in cap-wear. You see, way back in 2009 Geoff started sporting a Green Lantern logo cap, one which he continued to wear for two years straight right up to the premiere of the Green Lantern movie. So if history teaches us anything...you can see where we're going with this, right?
In any case, the Shrine unfortunately will not be attending SDCC 2012 but if you are, we'd love to hear from you. We had great F.O.A.M.er participation this year at C2E2 and more recently at HeroesCon so if you're one of the lucky billion fans in attendance, drop us a line, email, or tweet and be sure to let us know!
And we'll be sure to let you know if & when Aquaman the movie is official!
When they announce the Aquaman movie I'm going to ______ in my _______s!
All around amazing!
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