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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Imaginext Aquaman!

Imaginext is a line of toys from Fisher Price aimed at wee kids, and they are the last man standing, in terms of producing DC Super Friends action figures. For some reason, Imaginext has not yet seen fit to produce an Aquaman (or Wonder Woman) for the line, so F.O.A.M.er Brent Almond is trying to do something about it!

If you click here, you can check out the Fisher Price "My Ideas" blog, where Brent has posted a passionate argument for adding the Sea King and the Amazing Amazon to the line. Brent asked if the Shrine could mention it, so the legion of Aqua-Fans out there could possibly leave a comment on the post, letting Fisher Price know you support Brent's idea! So head on over there and do it, Aqua-Fans! The Sea King deserves to be added to the Imaginext DC Super Friends line-up!

Mea Culpa: FP makes you register an account to leave a comment, which is kind of a PITA, but we think it's worth it! Aquaman has been absent from toy shelves for a little while, and now that he's more popular than he's been in decades, this is the perfect time for Fisher Price to add him! So head on over to Brent's post and let the Powers That Be know you support his idea!


Orin's dad said...

Orin loves Imaginext and plays with his Batman and Green Lantern sets every day (along with his non-superhero sets and Star Wars sets). :-) I'd love to see an Imaginext Aquaman. I'll hit this site up as well. Brent and rob!, thanks for the info!

r duncan said...

Done, Rob. Also if you post on FP's site, you might as well "like" other's comments while you're there.

Designer Daddy said...

Thanks for passing this along Rob!

And to echo what r duncan said, others have posted on the same subject, so go click "Like" on all of them to increase their buzz and visibility.

Orin's dad said...

Grrr...apparently I'm a techno-idiot. I signed up for an account with FP, but now when I try to sign in to leave a comment, it says access denied. Frustrating. but I'll keep trying. :-)

Russell said...

Done! I think I commented on every person's original suggestion. Hope this works!!!

Eric said...

So has anyone seen these at retail? They're not even on eBay or the Fisher Price online store. No luck at the other online retailers, and the three stores near me that carry the line didn't have them.