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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Aquaman Art Gallery: Yildiray Cinar

My favorite part of the new Firestorm The Nuclear Man book is the work of artist Yildiray Cinar, so as you can imagine I was delighted to see this Aquaman pin-up by the artist, from his Tumblr feed!

This piece has a sort-of 70s feel to it--I can't explain exactly why it feels that way to me, but it does. As usual when talking about Yildiray's work, it's really cool.

(h/t: F.O.A.M.er The Irredeemable Shag)


Loran Skinkis Art! said...

Love his art!

Wings1295 said...

Quite beautiful!

Orin's dad said...

That's an amazing piece!

aquaman said...

Very 70's. Everything is coming back! I love how he has Aquaman using his water powers to create movement. It is so rare seeing Aquaman use this power. Bring back the water balls!!!!

Andy Luckett said...

I get the 70's feel too. The color palette reminds me of that Aquaman blacklight poster you posted long ago, Rob.

Andy Luckett

Russell said...

I think I saw this painting in the hotel I stayed at in Cleveland last week. ;-)

Philip said...

I think it the feel comes from the O.P. t-shirt print look of the 70s.