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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Aquaman #7 Cover Preview

A late night reveal--the cover to Aquaman #7!

(h/t: F.O.A.M.er Brian Knippenberg)


Straight To DVD said...

Who are those people behind him? Damn I'm interested.
Especially if that guy with the gold helmet is Dr Fate. :)

Anonymous said...

The woman looks like one of the old Warlord of Skartaris characters, which would make sense if they're delving into Atlantis history. Did we ever actually meet the new Aqualad's mother?

Wings1295 said...

Looks quite interesting! Love to know who these other heroes are - and what happened to this "Aqua-League"!

Designer Daddy said...
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Designer Daddy said...

Dang, Rob, how did you score this? It's not even on DC's site yet? :)

Very intriguing...