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Monday, January 09, 2012

The Name That Aquadog Contest!

As we saw in Aquaman #4, Arthur and Mera have adopted a dog and made him a member of their superpowered nuclear family. The issue ends with no name being chosen, save the probably unsuitable "Aquadog."

So, thanks to an idea by my Fire and Water Podcast host The Irredeemable Shag, the Shrine is launching a "Name That Aquadog" contest!

The rules are simple: between now and 10 pm Sunday, January 15, leave a comment on this post with your suggestion for what you think Aquaman and Mera should name their new pup. We'll take the top ten (or fifteen, if we get a lot of good ones) best ideas and put them up in a poll, where they will duke it out!

And while it's safe to assume Geoff Johns already knows what he plans to name the dog, who knows? Maybe one of you will come up with something so good he and DC will take us up on it...

Good luck, Aqua-Fans!


Straight To DVD said...

Coral. I assume the dog is a female....

rob! said...

It's a he. The cop refers to it as a he, though I think Coral would still work.

Caz Tidrick said...

I say that if we aren't going to get Garth or Tula or any of the old Aqua-Cast back, then we get the dog to be named after one of them. So, for example, the dog is a female...its name could be Tula. If its a boy, it could be Garth. Just a thought.

Simone said...

I propose Salty.

As in a salty sea-dog. <3

boehmb said...

Pisces, aquarius, merlin, marlin, limpet, memo, nemo, magellen, jack, neptune, neptunis rex

Bonehead XL said...

St. John, after the St. John water dog.

J. said...

I think the name Atlanta could be humorous. Since they're in New England, maybe Red or Socks or Patriot. Maybe they could name him Brian or Aquaman's Little Helper. My personal favorite would be Platelet. ^_^

Anonymous said...


Airship Over Water said...

I think it would be cool to sneak in a name that pays homage to someone, but still sounds believable for a dog.

At first I thought "Pauly" for Paul Norris, or even "Cardy" for Nick Cardy. Then I even thought "Petey" for Peter David, because as much as I love the new direction Aquaman is taking, I think giving Peter David some recognition for his success with the character is worth crediting.

(And sorry for adding the "Y" sound to everyone's name, but my dog was named "Abby" so it's just natural.)

But my ultimate pick is "Robby" for multiple reasons.

1. Robert Bernstein is a co-creator of Garth, also paying homage to that character.

2. Our own Rob Kelly -- DUH! I don't know how Rob would feel about having a dog named after him, but if anyone deserves some credibility in the Aquaman world, it's the very man who runs this masterpiece of a website. I have learned so much about my favorite superhero thanks to the shrine, and I think "Robby" (or even "Kelly" -- it can be a boy's name too) has a nice ring to it.

So after that thesis I just wrote, "Robby" is my choice.

BronzeTiger said...

Name him Gil! lol! I bet he is a water spaniel!

big_jim_91602 said...

How about "Hydro"?

Deano said...

Sharky :)because he might bite.

Muldwych said...

My vote for the dogs name is 'Toro' (as in the octopus from time gone bye)

Would be a nice little throwback.



Anonymous said...

I vote Seaweed.

Ryan said...

I'm sure DC already has the dog named.

and to the above ^ the octopus was named Topo not Toro -- Toro was the goldeN age Human Torch's sidekick.

Wings1295 said...

I like Storm, too.

Gene Hendricks said...

Aegir or Njord. But I do have a bias for naming dogs after gods. ;)

John said...


Jorge PR said...


Rick L. Phillips said...

How about Guppy? It rhymes with puppy.

Wil Radcliffe said...

Sea Busciut. Skipper. Algae or Barnacle (because he grows on you.)

kgbUNC said...

I'm going to second the naming of the dog "Salty"

Shellhead said...

I like Nemo.
Also, how about "Laddy" as an oblique reference to the two Aqualads?

Designer Daddy said...

Sam (as in "flotsam and jetsam")

Designer Daddy said...

Sorry, meant to say "buoy"
Here Buoy, c'mer buoy! :)

Joe Slab said...

I was going to say Rusty but DD above has sold me with "Buoy" -- good stuff!

Laurie S. Sutton said...

"Buoy" made me laugh out loud. I also like "Salty" and "Storm", but don't make me choose!

Anonymous said...

Storm is a good one. What about Ulysses? One of the great legendary sailors? Or perhaps he could be named after someone in the Arthurian mythos, like Merlin, Gareth, or Dagonet.

Joseph Brian Scott said...


Randy said...

I was going to suggest Tusky, but Buoy has now really won me over.

aqua buckeye said...

since the dog in the panel looks golden how about "goldfish". maybe some of his jla pals would shorten it to "goldie". imagine batman's reaction to a dog's name as a sea creature.

Dennis Doucette said...


Bubbashelby said...

Humpy (after the whale, not what he does to legs)

J.P. said...


Ed said...

He can't swim, so how about Rocky.

Derek said...

OK Am I the only one on here who realises that johns is trying to differentiate this Aquaman series from the past by giving him a dog instead of a seal or an octopus?

So why whould he name the pet Storm, Imp, or tusky when those are already established parts of aquapet history? Hello! Be creative people.
My name for the dog is TRENCH! Yknow because he survived being attacked bythe Trench.

Russell said...

Ooh, there are an awful lot of good choices here! I was also going to suggest "Tusky" (sorry, Derek) but I like "Buoy" or "Kelly" or "Guppy" or "Laddy," too.

Anonymous said...

I would agree to go with something original not a former pet as well,,, so that leaves out Ark, Storm, Imp, Topo,Tusky and whatever the names of the Tiny Titans pets are as well (Steve the Seahorse, Shelly etc.)Howsabout: Splash!

Anonymous said...

i think quisp would be a fun name!

Kumama said...

It's gotta be Topo!

Ryan said...

I think Ace or Krypto would be original.

Will said...

Salty. I love Salty. Might actually call my next dog Salty...

El Ka-Bong! said...

I am offering up "Squalus" which is the genus most often referred to as Dogfish Sharks.


The Irredeemable Shag said...

Your welcome for the contest idea! Just remember to make the check out to "The Irredeemable Shag". The bank shouldn't have any problem with that. :)

I know it's an already used Aqua-pet name, but I gotta go with "Storm". It just feels right.

The Irredeemable Shag

Chris M said...

You heard me right after this episode dropped. I say Cuddlefish or Fin!

superflash said...


Anonymous said...

i vote shark bait!

Anonymous said...

or how about bubbles

Laurie S. Sutton said...

@ Ed: "He can't swim, so how about Rocky." BWAHAHAHA! I tell you all right here and now -- if I ever get to write any sort of Aquaman adventure I am going to use some of these pet names!!

Andy Luckett said...

How about Alden? A nice subtle nod to Norman Alden and a strong, kind name for a Golden Retriever.

Sarah said...


Jared M. said...



Malgus said...

How about Mort? A tribute to creator Mort Weisinger?

Iron Chef Kosher! said...

I love "Rusty" - it's almost subtle, because the dog is rust-colored, and a non-marine person might also name the dog that. "Guppy" is cute. Almost too cute. "Laddy" is great if there aren't going to be any Aqualads. But I suggest "Barney" - short for "Barnacle".

(Yeah, "Rocky" was funny, too! (glugg glugg...)))

Tempest127 said...


Orly De Gaulle said...

1. Chum
2. Rufus
3. Arthur Jr. Jr. (like the band Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.)
4. Dog
5. Bruce Wayne
6. Ahab
7. Friday

cリnical said...

I came here to say "Barney" which is short for "Barnacle," but someone beat me to it.

I suppose that gets my vote.

Kryschenn said...

I'd call him "Bourbon" because he's obviously a real licker!

FishBoy, Lost Prince of Atlantis said...

DC would probably frown on "Scurvy"...as in "Scurvy Dog", but that's my vote, in keeping with the sea theme and all

Anonymous said...


Muldwych said...

Yes i did mean Topo it was a mistake for Toro (sorry)