Today we're running a special post: "Twelve for 2012" -- featuring the twelve super-heroes we'd most like to see appear in DC Comics' New 52 this year!
While there's no argument the New 52 initiative has injected some much-needed youthfulness into the the 75+ year-old DCU, it also seems to have decreased the character census with many fan-favorites having seemed to disappear without explanation...With an anticipated announcement from DC regarding the next wave of #1s due to come at any time, we'd thought we'd share some of our most hoped for returns!
Many of you will notice that we did not include any characters whose legacy stems from Earth-2 -- that's by design knowing that a Justice Society relaunch is in the works for 2012 and we're assuming that many of the now-absent characters like Power Girl, Wildcat, Manhunter, etc. may find a home there!

UPDATE: DC Comics has just announced six new ongoing titles premiering in May! They are Batman Incorporated (Vol. 2), Dial H (for Hero), Earth 2 (featuring the Justice Society), Worlds Finest (featuring the duo of Power Girl & the Huntress), G.I. Combat, and the Ravagers (a team book starring four teen super-heroes --hmm, Aqualad - Kaldur'Ahm anyone?).
USA Today has the full press release and stay tuned for more information as it breaks Aqua-fans!
UPDATE #2: Additional information on the above titles, plus the names of titles being canceled as of their 8th issue can also be found at USAToday. The unfortunate cancellations are OMAC (boo - one of our faves!), Mister Terrific, Hawk & Dove, Static Shock, Blackhawks and Men of War -- keeping DC's "New" still at 52!
Well, I called it. I figured that OMAC, Blackhawks, and Men Of War would all get cancelled. Hawk & Dove was something of a surprise, but not a huge one.
Of the new ones, the only one I am looking at are GI Combat (of course!) and Earth-2. Unless maybe Batman: Incorporated has the Outsiders, and even then it's going to be a hard sell with (I assume) Morrison and (I also assume) no Geo-Force.
Hawk & Dove was okay. Ah well.
I am hoping we get a Garth Aqualad before long, or we find out Garth is already Tempest and he's been off on some... mission or retreat or something.
I know I'm in the minority here, but I've loved H&D since the old Showcase issue back in the 60's, so while disappointed it's being cancelled, I guess I'm not surprised.
I am interested in the Earth 2 title, intrigued at Dial H, and will possibly pick up Ravagers, but only if it has Aqualad in it.
Orin's dad: I have like H&D since the late 80s series. And not surprised, either.
And I am interested in the Earth 2 title, as well!
Gotta admit, I'm kind of glad to read that Rob Liefeld's losing his regular gig. :)
I wonder what twist they'll put on the Dial H For Hero concept this time. I enjoyed the 80s incarnation where they had readers send in hero ideas. And always glad to hear the JSA characters are getting more exposure!
John--Wow, I'm glad I never gave you that Rob Liefield: Portrait of a Genius hardcover book for Christmas.
All seriousness aside, while I didn't think those books were too good, I'm kinda sorry Blackhawks and Men of War are going, because they were just a handful of non-superhero books. And I'm really sorry, tho not surprised, that OMAC is "toast."
I'll definitely be giving GI Combat a try, and Earth 2 as well. Welcome back JSA!
Hmmm... even when I like the idea, I don't think they'd bring so many Aquaman's characters (Aqualad, Dolphin, Tula)... not sure about Hawkgirl either. I like seeing Black Lighting there though.
As for which I'd like to see, what about the Atom? And let's Black Canary have her own title, or at least a new Birds of Prey.
Shame indeed about OMAC, but at least they can't say DiDio was playing favorites ... hope they replace it with another Jack Kirby-centric book soon.
I'll definitely check out Earth 2 and Worlds Finest (like the twist of it being a female version of the original) although I'm not a huge fan of Perez' current work. And the same caveat for Ravagers as everyone else: Aqualad!
I've never like war comics, so I'm a little biased — but with Men of War getting cancelled, does DC think GI Combat will work?
And while I never read them, it's a shame 2 books starring black heroes are getting canned. However, I've read the full run of Batwing and am really digging it. Very unique.
And of Rob's choices, I don't care much for Plas or Dr. Strange (and who's the purple chick?) but would love to see all the others back in play!
The "purple chick" is Black Orchid...and a new series for her would be great--especially if Jill Thompson had the art chores.
ANOTHER new Batman title? Bluch.
Earth 2!!! Thank Orin!
@Brent--That's the Phantom Stranger, not Dr. Strange! Arrrgh! What kind of nerd are you?!?
Just FYI, this post was written by Joe, so most of the suggestions are his, though I did suggest Plastic Man (who I love, always have) and Mr. Miracle.
I had some other ideas that I'd like to see come back: Captain Fear, The Secret Six, and The Sea Devils.
The only titles I was following in the DCNU reboot were Static, Mister Terrific, and both Superman titles (sorry, I prefer Aquaman from his other media versions/older comics over the current reboot version...). While I like the JSA/Earth-2, I don't really trust either to come off well based on what I've seen of the reboot so far. (The reboot as a whole feels too much like all the stuff I didn't like about DC before---"meet the new boss, same as the old boss", only with the violence/crude sex references/etc. amped up...)
Between this and other cancellations/changes, guess I'll be down to "Action" (for Morrison) and "Superman Family Adventures" (the replacement for "Tiny Titans," also being axed). Otherwise, back to reprints/back issues/Johnny DC stuff for me...
The last time we saw Dial H for Hero was in Brave & the Bold and it was beautifully written by JMS...this new series will need to be very good to give such an obscure property sales legs...hope DC can pull it off!
I say put 'em all together in a team book.
I for a BLACK LIGHTNING series. And if DC was smart, give the writing chores to David Liss. That man can write a comic.
Oops! Rob, I totally knew that was Phantom Stranger, but had just read the new Defenders and Strange was on my mind. And I am really digging Dr. Strange's new look. I think PS is due for an upgrade as well: does he really need a suit, gloves, hat AND a cape?!?
dang! you guys are fast i got the news paper set it down and this was up befor i read it
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