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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Justice League #4 Cover Preview (Combo-Pack)

DC Comics continues to enjoy stellar sales of Geoff Johns & Jim Lee's Justice League book with the 1st issue going back for an unprecedented 5th printing! In the meantime, December is looking like it will be a fantastic month for Aquaman fans with both Aquaman #4 and Justice League #4 hitting the stands as well!


Ryan said...

This cover is so EPIC! Aquaman mopping up the sea floor with those pompous Big 5'ers. Cant wait for Xmas.

The Irredeemable Shag said...

Do it, Arthur! Puncture him! Put me out of my Hal Jordan-induced misery!

And how are they going to fit the digital version inside that comic? Will all the pixels be loose in the polybag like pixie sticks?

The Irredeemable Shag

Ryan Daly said...

I got issues #2 and #3 digitally, but I ordered the combo pack for issue #4 in part to collect the awesome Aquaman cover, and also because this is the issue where the CURSE OF SHAZAM backup feature begins by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank!

Randy Meyer said...

I'm thinking this cover is Aquaman's response to GL's 'Dibs' comment about hitting on Wonder Woman!

Designer Daddy said...
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Designer Daddy said...

This is Aquaman's early "hipster" phase, complete with scruffy sideburns, bad attitude, and the world's largest chain wallet. I'll bet he goes by "Art."

Jorge PR said...

I think I liked the previous one better (the one with the big wave at the background).

r duncan said...

"I'll bet he goes by Art."

HaHa. He should look up Herb Tarlek.