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Monday, October 17, 2011

New York Comic Con 2011

We've decided to do things a little differently this year when it comes to con post-mortems. Usually I find myself writing tedious descriptions (I went to this, then I went to that), so instead I tried to take more pictures and let them tell the story about this year's trip to the New York Comic Con!

Shrine Correspondent Joe Slab and I attended Thursday's "Preview" day, here are some shots from that day:
This part of the hall we dubbed "Aqua Corner", since it featured Joe Prado, Rod Reis (pictured), and F.O.A.M.er Ivan Costa (there representing Ivan Reis) all in a row. Naturally, it was my favorite spot of the show floor!

Firestorm artist Yildiray Cinar. I asked him to sign a copy of Fury of Firestorm #1, and while he did I told him a friend and I had a podcast about Aquaman and Firestorm. Yildiray lit up and said "'Fire and Water'? I just downloaded the newest episode!"

He then told me to wait, and after signing the book, whipped out a pad, and did a marker sketch of Firestorm for me to give to my co-host (and creator of the Firestorm Fan blog) Shag, completely for free! I was so excited I texted Shag right on the spot. What a prince!
Former Aquaman scribes Paul Kupperberg and Martin Pasko

Rod Leis (L) and Joe Prado (R) at a signing at DC's booth.

Sketches done for Joe at the DC booth by Joe Prado and Art Baltazar

This copy of Aquaman #1--signed to the Shrine by Ivan Reis--was given to me by Ivan Costa! I later got Joe Prado and Rod Reis to sign it, too!

Joe Slab attended the show on Friday, where it was a lot more crowded:
Jim Lee and Geoff Johns at the DC Booth

Joe Prado and Rod Reis, part of "Team Aquaman"

On the menu at the DC Comics party (pic courtesy Ivan Costa)

I returned on Sunday to snap some more pics:
The budget for Avengers 2 is slightly less than the original.

The table of former Aquaman artist Alex Saviuk!

I finally got to meet F.O.A.M.er Ray DeForest!

The Justice League Aquaman figure on display at the DC Booth.

I also ran into some old friends, like F.O.A.M.er Richard Bensam, fellow Kubert School vet Thom Zahler (Love and Capes), Jill "The Nerdy Bird" Pantozzi, and my old boss Mark McNabb. As I was leaving, I picked up a spiffy piece of artwork for Darlin' Tracy by an artist named Joey Chou, whose style I found adorable and irresistible.

All in all it was a tremendously fun show all around, with hanging out with the guys at the Aqua-Corner definitely a highlight. Between Joe, Rod, and Ivan the Shrine picked up enough booty to fill a week's worth of posts, which is exactly what we're gonna do! So come back tomorrow for more!


Count Drunkula said...

A treasure trove of great pics and sketches, Rob. That #1 cover signed to the Shrine by the art team is so cool; please tell me you're having that framed because that's a special tribute. That coupled with the free sketch + signed copy of Firestorm for Shag + Cinar's recognition of the Fire and Water Podcast made this an incredible con to experience vicariously.

The Irredeemable Shag said...

Great coverage of the NYCC! Such a great event for the Shrine! Glad to see you saw so many of the creators and they acknowledged your hard work.

And the Yildiray Cinar sketch... OMG! I'm over the moon! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TALKING WITH HIM! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Keep up the awesome work!

The Irredeemable Shag

Wings1295 said...

Awesome pics! Look like a lot of fun was had.

aquaman said...

LOl How weird do I look in that pic! LOl...Great meeting u! NYCC rocks...better each year. Nice to see so much AQUAMAN there!

Shellhead said...

Wow, that's a CUTE Thor Girl!

Congrats on the swag, Rob.

Orin's dad said...

What great pics rob!. Can't wait to see more. So wish I could make it to NY for the con. Until then, i'm enjoying living vicariously through you. Love the sketches, and how cool is it that Cinar knew the podcast?!?!? Awesome job, as always!

JLAsuperdude said...

I'm pretty sure that's the new Justice League Aquaman figure, not Brightest day....BUT AWESOME!

rob! said...

Er, oops, yeah! That's what I meant.