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Thursday, September 01, 2011

Random Panel of the Day #246



jim said...

I understand that Aquaman & Robin would be basically useless in this situation, but Wonder Woman, who has single-handedly fought off armies of invading aliens, renegade robots & Mars - the God of War, couldn't handle a couple of "super-kangaroos" ????

Nothing personal Aquaman & Robin.lol

Joseph Brian Scott said...

Maybe they reminded her too much of the Kangas back home; as a baby she used to fall asleep in their big pouches. They're almost like second moms to her.

Wings1295 said...

Seems like a Silver Age WTF moment!

Designer Daddy said...

It's the Super Friends, which was pretty much one long WTF. :)

Designer Daddy said...

You should start doing Random Panels, but deleting the words and let us write new captions. Starting with this one! :)