So just like last week, the Aquaman Shrine staff are giving you our preview picks for the most anticipated of the weekly bunch. Take it away guys!
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I was most impressed with last week's titles that were brand new (OMAC & Batwing) as opposed to titles that had simply been renumbered with a new #1, so in keeping with that theme I am most looking forward to these New 52 originals this week: Grifter, Mister Terrific & Red Lanterns (I wonder if Mera's brief time in the RLC will be referenced?) -- Joe Slab
This is the lightest week for me--the only title that's a sure buy is Batwoman, thanks partly to the presence of J.H. Williams and partly because the character is breaking some ground, socially. That's worth my three bucks, for now at least. -- rob!
Mister Terrific: I have always liked this character, and really, there need to be more minority heroes. Besides, he seems to be all there is left of the JSA. I'll try this. Batwoman: I appreciate Rob's comments about this character, and like WW and Mr T, she deserves our support. Probably. -- Russell Burbage
So, what are you picking up this week, Aqua-Fans?
Definitely most excited about Batwoman. Aside from the fact that she's a powerful lesbian character, the art is just gorgeous.
I also loved the original Legion Lost, so am checking that out as well.
I'll be getting green lantern, red lanterns, batman and robin, resurrection man, Frankenstein, batwoman and maybe griffter.
Nothing this week. I'll page through Red Lanterns #1, but that's about it.
Light week for me, too. All I am getting out of this bunch is Green Lantern #1.
I suggest everyone tries frankenstein ad Resurrection man.
Dennis, I just don't understand/like the idea behind Resurrection Man. Here's a medium where the Hero supposedly NEVER dies, and all of a suddent *this* character is going to be dying on a semi-regular basis? It just strikes me as a morbid and odd twist on the old Dial H For Hero idea. Sorry, but no thanks.
I've always had a soft spot for the Legion, so I'll probably check out Legion Lost, and still have fond memories of the Ostrander Suicide Squad from back in the day, so may give that a try as well.
I've pre-ordered every one of the new 52 #1s, so I'll be getting them all. That said, this is the week I have the least real investment in. I imagine I'll like BATWOMAN, GREEN LANTERN; not sure about anything else until I read it. But maybe I'll be surprised by some of them. I had no expectations for BATWING this past week either, but that book really impressed me.
Russell. Everytime resurrection man dies he is comes back to like with a new power set. I find that very interesting. Also I've seen interior artwork and it is breathtaking. But I understand it might not be everyones cup of tea.
Agreed! I had NO expectations for Batwing & OMAC and they ended up being my 2 faves from last week.
Joe Slab
@Joe Slab,
I really enjoyed how Keith Giffen aped Jack Kirby's style and facial impressions in O.M.A.C. That was a nice treat, and Didio's script wasn't bad either. I thought it was a fun issue, but I probably won't follow that series unless I hear some really strong feedback.
I knew I was going to like ACTION COMICS, BATGIRL, ANIMAL MAN and SWAMP THING because I like those creators. And I loved them all, especially Swamp Thing. BATWING EXCEEDED my expectations, so I'll download issue #2 when it comes out. I will follow STORMWATCH. I might follow O.M.A.C. I might follow MEN OF WAR. I wasn't impressed by GREEN ARROW or JL INT'L. I thought STATIC SHOCK was boring, and HAWK & DOVE was atrocious on so many levels.
The books I'm really, truly looking forward to are WONDER WOMAN, HAWKMAN, FIRESTORM and, of course, AQUAMAN.
I'll be picking up Demon Knights. A friend will pick up Batwoman and Frankenstein so I'll read his copies. I may give a chance to: Grifter, Legion Lost, Mister Terrific, Suicide Squad, or Deathstroke.
I'm getting Batman + Robin, I'm a little bit excited about that! Also Green Lantern. I want to get Superboy even though I have no cares for Superman + family at all, Superboy looks interesting and I've always wanted to know more about him so yah.
I'm getting Suicide Squad as well because even though appearance-wise they have completely ruined Harley Quinn I want to know if they can save it. I believe in them, I don't want them to have made Harley so... ugh I hate name calling but she looks disgusting. Please please please let her be awesome.
True story: I am out of town and went to a local comic book store. They had only RED LANTERN when I got there. They had sold out of everything else. :-( or is that :-) Not sure, but I couldn't get any new comics!!
I picked up Grifter, Frankenstein, Legion Lost, Mr. Terrific and Batman and Robin. I really enjoyed Grifter, Frankenstein and Legion Lost. I've never been a really big Batman follower, but that book and the Mr. Terrific book did set up stories which do promise to be pretty interesting. I know for sure I'll continue following Grifter, Frankenstein and Legion Lost.
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