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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Aquaman's Fun Shop, Part 2

Another page of puzzles from the 1981 Super Friends Special, featuring a spiffy piece of stock art by the late, great Dick Giordano!

For my money, "Lilac Carl Tulsa" sounds like code for something...


Martin OHearn said...

The puzzles on the two Fun Shop pages so far are reprints from the Fifties or thereabouts, by Martin Naydel, the first artist on the Flash (and the creator of McSnurtle the Turtle, the Terrific Whatsit).

Russell said...

This puzzle reminds me of a game my family and I used to play called Facts in Five. We picked five letter tiles that went across the top of the card and then we pulled five "subject" cards and then we had five minutes to fill in as many answers as we could. It was fun, in a geeky knowledgeable way.

Wings1295 said...

Looks like a simple, fun way to spend some time. :)

Joseph Brian Scott said...

rob!: I think it means "Carl, meet me behind the oil derrick" in Polari; or, alternately, "The Hanson Bros. are at Hardees."