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Friday, August 19, 2011

The New Aquaman Logo!

I realized the Shrine buried the lede with the Previews post a few minutes ago, not even mentioning the new Aquaman logo! Bad blog, bad!

Anyway, this is apparently the new logo! What does everyone think?


Dennis Doucette said...

I like it... But I'm not sure about the font being white.

Stephen said...

I'm not crazy about the logo, there's nothing that feels unique about it or conveys something about water or the ocean.

I'm equally unimpressed with most of logo designs I've seen for the other "New 52" titles. They look very cold and sterile, like they were designed using a computer program.

Wings1295 said...

It's okay, not horrible. Just not awfully creative, in my opinion.

Joe Slab said...

Its a clean design but I agree with what everyone else has said so far.

All of the New 52 logos are very...digitized (with the exception of Batman's of course!)

I would have loved for them to use the "A" in the actual title.

Randy Meyer said...

I agree with Dennis. It looks pretty good, just not in white.

Brent said...

I said I was gonna reserve my opinion until I saw it on the book, but I lied.

I agree with others' posts — the white is weak, and it looks a little too "fonty." I'm hoping that the final, on-book logo is a little stronger through its color and a heavier drop shadow. Not digging the black outline either.

What I like: it's bold, and it doesn't follow the Superman logo curve like it has in the past. Meaning, I like that it gets smaller in the middle instead of getting smaller as it goes from left to right.

I've always thought it would be interesting to do something with the middle "A" and relate it to his belt buckle symbol, since it's right in the middle of the word. However, this ain't it.

But I also like that we have a new Aquaman book, so I'm not complaining too much. Could have been worse! :)

Shellhead said...

Meh. Missed the perfect opportunity to do a slight revamp on the classic logo from the 70's.

But I don't buy books based on logos, so . . .

Russell said...

I agree with Shellhead in that the important thing is that it represents a new book.

However, I add my voice to the chorus who says it ain't all that. :-(