Comics Weekend "Part Two: Cataclysm" by Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Agustin Padilla, and Jose Aviles.
In this third and final issue of Wonder Woman and The Furies, we flashback to eight months ago, as ground all over the world shook thanks to Aquaman's "ultimate weapon":

One of Diana's Furies, Terra, has an empathic rapport with her brother Brion, so she can feel the pain he's enduring being used as the energy source for Aquaman's weapon. Terra in turn used her powers to beat back the wave of water about to descend upon them, cleaving into two the southern part of England in the process! A massive hunk of land shoots into the air, and Terra calls it New Themyscira as she passes out.
Now in the current day, we see why Terra is such a vital part of the Amazons. She is being spied upon by Orm, and when Diana gets word of this, she storms in and sees:
...I love that third panel, as Diana carelessly--and effortlessly--tosses Orm into a wall. That made me laugh.
Anyway, Diana is horrified to learn of this treachery, and it turns into a fight. But the fight is interrupted when Vixen has news: reporter Lois Lane, behind enemy lines, is alerting the world to the Amazonian internment camps, and sends out a worldwide plea for help.
As if that wasn't bad enough, the Atlantean fleet has been spotted off the coast. Diana snaps into action:
Now in the current day, we see why Terra is such a vital part of the Amazons. She is being spied upon by Orm, and when Diana gets word of this, she storms in and sees:

Anyway, Diana is horrified to learn of this treachery, and it turns into a fight. But the fight is interrupted when Vixen has news: reporter Lois Lane, behind enemy lines, is alerting the world to the Amazonian internment camps, and sends out a worldwide plea for help.
As if that wasn't bad enough, the Atlantean fleet has been spotted off the coast. Diana snaps into action:

Orm and Penthesila make it outside, and they see exactly what they wanted: chaos and destruction:

...to be concluded!
Again, I wish this book's original artists, Scott Clark and David Beaty (who did this issue's cover), had been retained for the rest of this series: they gave Wonder Woman and The Furies a distinctive look, one that really stood out among the approximate fifteen hundred Flashpoint tie-ins.
There are other thoughts I have regarding this series, and Flashpoint in general, but I think we'll wait until the whole "event" is over to have a more complete picture...just a few weeks away!
Again, I wish this book's original artists, Scott Clark and David Beaty (who did this issue's cover), had been retained for the rest of this series: they gave Wonder Woman and The Furies a distinctive look, one that really stood out among the approximate fifteen hundred Flashpoint tie-ins.
There are other thoughts I have regarding this series, and Flashpoint in general, but I think we'll wait until the whole "event" is over to have a more complete picture...just a few weeks away!

I am looking forward to the Flashpoint conclusion!
And I loved Orm being tossed like a rag doll, too!
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