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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

JLA Flashback #7

Justice League of America #88 - March 1971. Cover art by Neal Adams and Dick Giordano.

Mera makes a rare guest appearance with the JLA! Doesn't she look just fabulous as part of the team? Only took forty years to make it happen...


Wings1295 said...

She definitely belongs on that team!

Joseph Brian Scott said...

Love, love, love this cover, and yes, a big part of it is because Mera gets to hang out with the gang. They definitely could have used another female on the team, since Di was gone for, what, 7 years? At the very least they could have alternated between Mera and Hawkgirl every third or fourth issue. Heck, even the JSA had two female members in every issue for the last year or so of their first stint in All-Star, and that was the non-female-friendly 1950s for Pete's sake!

Russell said...

Always loved this cover, either because of or in spite of the fact that Aquaman is obscured somewhat by Mera. It seems more realistic somehow...