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Monday, August 22, 2011

DC The New 52: AQUAMAN & the Other 51 Logos!

These babys were promised to retailers for promotional use a while back, but hey - better late than never right? Aquaman in white is a unique choice, one that we may have to see on the actual issues to fully appreciate. So Aqua-fans, click the image to embiggen and then leave us your thoughts in the comments section below!


Dennis Doucette said...

Weird that Aquaman has the ONLY white font.

Joe Slab said...

@DD - Yup, as we said, print will tell...or perhaps it will be colored in differently each issue depending on the cover's color scheme?

Ryan said...

They ALL look cool to me!

Orin's dad said...

Some I like a lot, while others leave me saying "meh". I am interested to see if they color Aquaman's logo, or leave it white.