As a part of promoting The New 52 during SDCC '11, DC Comics released these amazing pages by the brilliant art duo of Ivan Reis & Joe Prado via different outlets, including most notably The Hollywood Reporter Weekly late last week. Since then, the images have been culled and posted incompletely (and often inaccurately labeled as pages one through four of Aquaman) by a number of sites eager to jump on the Aquaman bandwagon, leaving us the task of being the first & only site to provide you with the complete Sea King preview treatment, correctly numbered to boot!
Would you expect anything less from the Shrine? Feast your eyes on the cover to Geoff Johns' Aquaman #1 followed by pages 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 respectively. Really, no need to thank us--its our pleasure!
Ok...count me in as impressed. Great artwork; really good stuff. The panel at the bottom of page 7 where he's giving them that "oh no you didn't" look is killer!
And the story starts out right away showing the often underplayed strength and power of the sea king. I like it. I'm ready for #1 to be here NOW.
Hell yes this series is gonna rock hard! Ivan Reis on the Sea King is like a dream come true, I remember when he came outta nowhere and Green Lantern fans were amazed and the franchise blew up!
Oh. My. God. I WANT!!!
If you don't think Aquaman won't be a top 10 book come the fall. Here is your proof that it will.
"You need a glass of water or something?" Possibly the best line said to Aquaman ever.
This is what I was afraid of – Johns pandering to the artist again.
• Written by Geoff Johns
• Art by Ivan Reis
I’ve always (ALWAYS!!!) liked Aquaman. I know Johns can write a killer Aquaman story, but with the way he (and Tomasi) pandered to Reis in BRIGHTEST DAY, I expect this to be a highly decompressed series with lots of splash pages, two page spreads and all-important pin-ups and poses from the series’ leads. In between all of that, we should get three or four pages of actual story per issue."
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