Flashpoint #3 by Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert hits the stands tomorrow and to tell you the truth, with all the excitement about DC's September launch, we had almost forgotten about it! No word yet on whether Aquaman will actually appear in the book, but he is the spotlight character in this George Perez & Ivan Reis preview of the variant cover. Penciled by the legendary George Perez with inks and colors by the Aquaman series team of Ivan Reis and Rod Reis, this cover is visually stunning despite the morbid scene it depicts. Both artists' techniques and the colorist's choices work together to produce a cover that truly appears submerged, with the surface light breaking through the depths to highlight the unique color scheme used with this version of Aquaman's uniform. And while Emperor Aquaman has not been portrayed as a sympathetic character thus far in Flashpoint, this piece effectively communicates the weighty and conflicted emotions he carries.
Seeing this team work so well together really wets our appetite for what they'll be hitting us with once Aquaman's solo book begins in September, and hey George--if you want to help Ivan & Rod out with covers to the ongoing, we sure won't complain! Check the Shrine on Saturday for a full recap of the issue and let us know what you think!
I hadn't realized how the flashpoint color scheme echoed the old Aqualad costume until now, thanks to the juxtaposition with random panel of the day 198. Interesting.
Awesome! Hopefully I can land one of the covers!
Not buying this series but a very nice cover indeed!
I hadn't realized how the flashpoint color scheme echoed the old Aqualad costume until now, thanks to the juxtaposition with random panel of the day 198. Interesting.
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