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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The World's Greatest Superheroes!



JD said...

Figures. Aquaman finally appears again and he's passed out and in need of rescue. Even Wonder Woman and Flash (sort of) rescued themselves! :(

JasonMotesBowles said...

Well, that's just... swell. Great use of the character, folks.

Wings1295 said...

Why is he still glowing? Has he been in a state of electrocution this entire time? Shouldn't he be a (pardon the pun) fried fish by now???

Orin's dad said...

I look at this from the bright side. Superman thinks that whatever took out Aquaman will need two of them to handle, while they each took out their own issues. Maybe that's an underhanded compliment to Aquaman's toughness? (I'm trying to be positive...)

Joseph Brian Scott said...

There's no "JLA Communicator" in that belt buckle.