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Friday, April 29, 2011

Superhero ABCs

F.O.A.M.er Shag Matthews sent me a link to this cute and clever piece of original art featuring various superheroes formed into letter shapes. Aquaman, of course, is the A.

I can identify all 26 letters except the J...

Thanks Shag!


BronzeTiger said...

I like the "Y" for Yuck, from Mighty Man and Yuck the Saturday morning cartoon. The dog house ws a dead give away. Not sure on the J must be another legionnaire.

David J. Cutler said...

I believe (I'm not 100% sure) that J is Justice from Avengers and the New Warriors. U and Y were the ones I was confused with.

7718cameron said...

I'm getting a tshirt of the design from:


I teach kindergarten and my students know ALL about Aquaman! :-)

Brent said...

DrNobody: I thought the same thing about the lack of females. You could have made the lower half of the "Z" fishnets and had a Zatanna easy! :)

But overall a very fun idea!

JD said...

Adorable, this should be used in schools.

JasonMotesBowles said...

Dave, I think you're right about Justice. He was the only one that stumped me too. U is Ultra Boy and Y is Yuck, like Bronze Tiger said, from Mighty Man & Yuck a segment on the Plastic Man Comedy Adventure Hour.

David J. Cutler said...

Mighty Man and Yukk is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Almost can't believe it's real.

Dene said...

Who is the 'K'???

chunky B said...

Kick Ass! I think that is the "K"... Oh and the art too.

chunky B said...

... My Eyes!!! Whatever you guys and gals do, do not do a Google Image search for Mighty Man and Yuck!

I warned you!

The Irredeemable Shag said...

"J" is definitely for Justice. Good call.

And Flash for "F"?!? Stupid speedster stealing Firestorm's spotlight! ;)

The Irredeemable Shag