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Friday, March 04, 2011

Young Justice Figures Preview, Cd.

Several F.O.A.M.ers sent me a link to Action Figure Insider today, which features our first close ups of the new Young Justice line from Mattel--and boy are they sweet!

I'm still not on board with Arthur's bare-feet look, but of course that's an issue with the design from the show, not the toys: these figures are the spitting image of their animated selves, almost startlingly so.

The estimated release date for these babies is June, and they are now able to be pre-ordered. I may just wait until I see them on the shelves of my local Target, for I love the thrill of the hunt (for a little while, anyway)!


JasonMotesBowles said...

Is Aqualad really shirtless? I hope they just didn't have time to properly render it.

Shirtless Superheroes said...
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Shirtless Superheroes said...

Have you seen the latest Young Justice episode, "Downtime"? It was set in Atlantis and featured Mera, Garth, Tula & Black Manta, and they were all badass!

Wings1295 said...

Love them! Great, stylish figures!

Wings1295 said...

And I need to get Young Justice on my DVR!

David J. Cutler said...

@Jason--if you've been keeping up with the show, the whole thing is geared to producing a ton of variants of the YJ kids. Civies, camo-costumes, Superboy's white costume, the motorcycle gear, and yeah, Aqualad has his shirt off half the time. I'm told the shirted variant will probably be sold single-carded or in a two-pack with Manta or something, if the line does well.

The sculpts on these are pretty cool. I didn't think I'd want an Aquaman with this particular beard but I've been won over.

David J. Cutler said...

I know I left this ages ago, but I was just looking these figures up again and I've noticed I said "I'm told" when I meant "I'm guessing [based on the info that there will be single carded figures and we saw Aqualad with his shirt on at Toy Fair 2011]".