Please let your voice be heard at right, and if there's a choice that's not represented ("Where's Quisp, dammit?"), mention it here in the comments!
Update: As per the comments, I consider a vote for Garth as Aqualad the same as Garth as Tempest. Giving him two slots just because he changed his name seemed a little much.
I vote for Garth, but Tempest Garth. He's outgrown the Aqualad moniker.
I second Garth. It's great that Jackson can step into the Aqualad role now, but I hope that Garth can come back (as Tempest) in some form very soon. I know the whole "dead is dead" thing supposedly exists now, but FlashPoint is bringing back Abin Sur (most likely temporarily) so maybe a living Garth can come out of this.
Koryak!!! Though honestly, it's hard hard to choose because Dolphin, Garth, and Lorena are great too. I know she's not a fam member, but I also really like the cop from the Rick Veitch arc.
I've decided to give Dolphin some love, though my first choice would be young Garth from the Silver Age strips and the Year One mini.
I would also like to vote for Garth as Tempest but not as Aqualad.
Tempest. Mera's great, but until Blackest Night, she really didn't come into her own. I've thought Garth was cool since the Teen Titans were formed.
Dude, What about Vulko?
Had to go with Mera.
Vulko betrayed and deserted Aquaman on multiple occasions, however fans can mention their other Aquafamily faves here in the comments and I will tally them up at the end of the poll and address them in the results!
Joe Slab
Tula was never really given a chance to develop as a character, I've felt. I always wanted to see her feature in a story with just Supergirl (Kara), Batgirl (Babs Gordon), and Wonder Girl (Donna Troy). All pre-Crisis, of course. What a tale that could have been...
Thanks for additional info, Joe, I should have mentioned that.
That said, Wayne: Vulko, really? VULKO?
Garth edged out Mera for me, but just barely. Maybe it's because he's dead and she's getting a lot of attention lately. Koryak is up there pretty high too, as is Vulko. Too bad we couldn't vote for least favorite - I'm lookin' at you, Dolphin.
I may/may not be alone on this. While I love Mera's character - always have and voted for her, one of my favorite Aquaman stories is the whole Sub-Diego series. I think we need more Lorena.
Siggy, the mutant Nazi seahorse.
No, I've changed my mind: MERA! Mera all the way. I've loved Mera since I first set eyes on her in Adventure Comics #441, and I even had my 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Bird draw me a picture of her, as Mrs. Bird was a frustrated artist and would frequently take requests for pencil drawings from her classroom. Mrs. Bird balked at first, exclaiming "You want a picture of this frog woman?!"
I was just kidding about Vulko, sorry about that...I'd actually prefer him to become an actual Aquaman Rogue after all this time. Kinda like a Dr. Doom type role as a leader of a land bent on domination of the surface.
@Wayne - interesting idea! Vulko certainly sounds more like a bad guy's name. :)
Like Jason, Garth edged out Mera for me too. But Mera is kicking ass lately.
And poor Tula... I agree with John. Tula was never really given a chance. But in my mind, she was always this outgoing, super hip and compassionate character. It's my dream to see a few "untold" Teen Titans featuring Tula.
As far as who's missing from the poll, how about Deep Blue? Lagoon Boy?
If I hadn't already voted for Garth, I'd vote for Koryak. His relationship with Orin was always interesting and dynamic, and I would have liked to have seen it developed more.
Tula got my vote.
If it hasn't already been done yet, how about a poll for Aquaman's fishy sidekicks and/or villains.
Garth didn't just change his name to Tempest, he grew up like the other Titans and became a hero in his own right. When he died he was King of Atlantis. Listing him as Aqualad is like ignoring the last 20 years history of the character.
@ruaztek: Good point! It's kinda like referring to Dick Grayson as Robin, Donna Troy as Wonder Girl, etc. Especially since there's a new Aqualad now.
I didn't realize not giving Garth two slots in a poll was one of history's greatest atrocities.
1)The Holocaust
2)The Stalinst Purges
Hah - Rob, you just made me laugh. Out loud, so I guess I LOL'd at your comment. Thanks for that.
Just 1 Rob as Tempest. Everyone knows Garth was Aqualad a few decades ago but why would we refer to him like that now?
Ugh, you also forgot Topo and all the other Aqua-pets! LOL, that will have to be another poll! ;^) Anyway, thanks so much for such a great website!
Man, Rob, this is a really hard choice. I love all of the original Aqua-Family. Garth, Tula, and Mera all have a special place in my heart. I suppose that, in the end, the vote has to go to Mera. She's the most important supporting character in Aquaman's world. How many heroes have a superpowered wife that adventures with them? She's a great character and a great concept.
On the other hand, I do sorta' think we need a poll for most hated characters....Koryak, Dolphin...I'm lookin' at you.
Also, Dick Grayson IS Robin, just like Garth is Aqualad! Seriously though, I wouldn't vote for Aqualad as Tempest. That version of the character was very rarely portrayed in any way that I found even remotely likeable.
Ahh well, I've always got the DCUG.
In honor of the late Lester Bangs and my favorite Creem review of all time, I borrow from the master:
Great site. I look forward to the day when Aquaman gets his own series back. Hopefully one that takes the character seriously and not like the last SOA issues.
I voted for Jackson..But I must admit I prefer the Young Justice Garth the best.
--Jeff Haas (PFB)
I picked Aqualad (Garth) and I mean Aqualad, not Tempest. Sadly, Topo was not an option.
Since I'm the one who started this Tempest in a Teapot, I want to reiterate... I don't think anyone's asking for there to be 2 different entries for Garth, just acknowledgment that he was/is Tempest as well as the original Aqualad. I happen to think Tempest was a very cool evolution for the character (certainly cooler than Nightwing's original look) and want to make sure he gets his props.
And Rob, I would put Wonder Woman's new costume at #3 of Histories Greatest Atrocities. :)
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