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Wednesday, December 08, 2010

"Mera" - 2010

I normally never pimp my own work on the Shrine--it just feels sorta tacky to me--but in this case I'm making an exception.

This piece started out as just a portrait of Mera, in my highly graphic, quasi-cut-paper style (so named because that's how they started out, I've long since gone all-digital). I just thought it would be fun to do a portrait of my favorite redhead (fictional division), something relaxing to work on in between client projects.

But as I worked on it, I thought hey, it'd be fun to have Mera holding an Aquaman comic book (featuring one of her favorite covers, I'm sure). And then the piece sort of morphed into a First Person ad for Aquaman, sort of playing up that old adage about you can tell how good a guy is by the woman who's with him. And since DC (Geoff Johns, specifically) has done such a great job transforming Mera into a top tier character, I figured an ad from her point of view, telling you how awesome her husband is, would be a good, effective way to promote any potential new Aquaman series.

You're welcome, DC.


Unknown said...

Exceptional image! I love it!

Rock said...

beautiful work, great job!

JRainey said...

Rob, If you have more stuff like this you need to share with us. The stuff I have seen so far has been Outrageous! I think Im going to refer to you as The Godfather FOAMer cause you have done more for AQ than anyone Ive seen. You inspire me to be a better fan. I thank you for your hard work and dedication.

Siskoid said...

It's awesome, Rob!

Don't ever be shy about showing off your talents.

Wings1295 said...

Just awesome. Love it!

Earth 2 Chris said...

It's awesome Rob. And please show us more stuff. I still think your Universal Monster posters are the best I've seen on that subject.


Orin's dad said...

Rob! that is a phenomenal piece. I love it! You definitely need to showcase more of your own work here on the shrine. Your talent is amazing. Share more with us!

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Great job. Do more with other characters. (You can post them here; they're all friends of Aquaman.)

David J. Cutler said...

Really cool rob!, the colors really pop!

wich2 said...

Art's always the best when it's from the heart - nice, Rob.

Mera Christmas!

rob! said...

Thanks for all the kind words, guys!

I'm always nervous about posting my work here (that's not what people come here for, as opposed to my pro site and my art blog, so all these compliments are quite appreciated!

IADW said...

Nice one Rob - this is really cool!

Love that logo too - easily the best AM has had :D

Luis said...

Great piece! I'm normally not a fan of totally digital drawings but the cut-out style is the one that I believe works best in that medium.

Wayne Kelley said...

Really cool. I am actually collecting original artwork featuring both Mera and Aquaman. It is an awesome representation of my favorite(fictional) redhead as well. Take that Jean Grey. Great Job

Anonymous said...

Ashley Greene, right?

ari said...

this is amazing!