Last night I asked for some suggestions on the Shrine's Facebook page to see if I could cull the possible choices into a half-dozen names or so and use them for the poll.
Many, many good names were offered up, so check out the poll on the right and vote. And if none of the names you see are who you would pick, vote "other" and leave your suggestion in the comments!
(Note: While having, say, Alex Ross or Darwyn Cooke draw a monthly Aquaman book would be great, I'm limiting the poll choices to those artists that could or would realistically take on a monthly, ongoing 22-page comic book)
I had to go old school with Jose Luis Garcia Lopez. I know he may not be the most current name a la Ethan Van Sciver, but I think his dynamic art would be the right way to present a classic, dynamic Aquaman. I'd still be fine with almost all of the other choices, or even see a rotating roster of artists, each taking on a particular story arc.
I vote for the team of Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund.
If i had an absolute dream team for Writer/Pencil it would be Geoff Johns and Jim Lee. Ethan Van Scriver would be pretty fantastic too.
Francis Manapul, please. Though he'll probably stay on Flash for a long, long time.
Wow ! Cool mock up cover rob! Thanks for linking my thread at the Comic Bloc Forums. I also posted it on the Aquaman board at DC Comics. I am so excited about this idea that I'm considering heading up to NYCC in October just to corner Geoff Johns and ask him if it may in fact come to light.
Ok now for my vote: After much consideration, I voted for the artist who did this amazing Aquaman cover:
I too would love to see Francis Manapul do an Aquaman ongoing.
However, more than that I would absolutely love JH Williams III to take on Aquaman. Picture what JHW has done for Batwoman in terms of visual style, panel design and layouts and now let him create an UNDERWATER WORLD! Tell me that wouldn't be the best.
I'm not sure how well thought out that whole logic is. Flash point is basically a Flash story so it makes much more sense that they give Adventure comics to WALLY WEST than Aquaman.
BUT...just for the sake...
I voted other cuz if i could pick I'd go with either Eddy Barrows, or Scott Kolins.
I love their work.
I'd like to see Peter Tomasi or J. Michael Straczynski on Aquaman and if Didio was abducted by Aliens and I could have my way, I'd put Grant Morrison behind the script!
But Aquaman on Adventure comics, would be:OUTRAGEOUS!!!
Aquaman in Adventure Comics would just put the 'ool' in 'cool' - as for who I'd like to see jump behind the pencil, I'd go with Chris Bachalo but I'm not sure how he would go with a monthly?
Following that I'd look at Francesco Francavilla, I know they have the guy hooked up to do the Commissioner Gordon back-up's over in the Batman books, but I think he would really make an Aquaman book float.
I don't like any of the choices on an Aquaman feature besides Ivan Reis, so that's how I voted. I also think the Flashpoint mention could reference a Kubert back on Hawkman, perhaps as a co-feature. I don't want anyone on Plastic Man besides Gail Simone and Ethan Van Sciver, which is so perfect a pairing than anything less would be heartbreaking.
I've been pulling for exactly the same thing for several years now, and the circumstances seem perfect right now for it, since Levitz 'Early Legion' stuff won't last forever. Although I strongly believe they'd be smart to keep The Atom as the back-up (Aquaman and Atom are good counterparts for Adv. Comics).
I really hope this is a point in time where the stars align.
Pete Tomasi as writer could be good - but he's doing good work with the Hawks and Martian right now, and I'd almost prefer he get a separate title - maybe Strange Adventures, or something - starring Hawkman with a Martian back-up.
I guess the raw fan in me wants to see a Morrison/Jesus Saiz Adventure Comics featuring Aquaman.
It needs to feel strange and epic. Guys like Giffen, Winick, a few others ... they can usually make you like characters, but the events don't always live up to the maximum range of potential. And Aquaman has a whole ocean of potential. I think only Morrison is weird enough to get that into it.
There's one or two "junior writers" at DC making a name for themselves that I wouldn't mind getting the shot to try it, though. Sterling Gates and Jeff Lemire.
And then, although I know I referred to Levitz finishing his Legion stuff ... the few Levitz Aquaman stories form back in the 70's were strong material, so he'd be a really rock-solid choice, too.
(For the poll I voted Sook. Kamandi was outrageous.)
I know he's not that well known, but I think Tom Fowler would do an amazing Aquaman. You can see here, http://www.comictwart.com/2010/03/john-carter-of-mars-by-tom-fowler.html, that he can do monsters and his line is so fluid, I think it would work well for underwater action.
I voted for Juis Lopez, but I would kill for a Francis Manupal water colors Aquaman.
Patrick Gleason, out of those in the list. I loved his work on Aquaman before, and he's one of the few artists who has actually made underwater scenes feel like they're underwater. And he's decent enough at hitting the monthly mark.
For a miniseries i'd love to see Jae Lee.
Connor or Manapul or Sook or someone with a more fun, cartoony edge to them. Really don't want a cross hatched DC House style Aquaman book (although I ain't holding my breath for any Aquaman book at all).
I voted for Ethan Van Sciver. He's like the heir apparent to George Perez and Phil Jiminez. I don't know what the odds of that are, though. Mike Allred would be great and bring a whole idiosyncratic vibe to it, so if they don't go with a "hot" super star, someone really quirky and unique would be great!
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