Our newest F.O.A.M.er Mark Belkin alerted me to a collection of "personas" for the Firefox browser that are all Aquaman-centric and can be downloaded for free and applied easily (as you can I can see I did). Very cute, I'm always up for adding a little more orange and green to my daily life.
Thanks Mark, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!
Aw crap. This is probably the only reason I'd go back to firefox (I'm a Chromer now)... Dammit... why arent there any like these for GChrome!?
I actually use that very same "persona" on my laptop :)
Sweet! I just downloaed one. I had to go Fradon, though!
I use iGoogle as my PLE (Personal Learning Environment) for both work and grad school. They have a DC heroes header which rotates the DC mainstays. Aquaman is one of them.
That's really cool! I like the Aquaman theme. There is a JLA one with Firestorm, but it's hard to see when applied. :(
The Irredeemable Shag
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