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Friday, July 02, 2010

Brent Almond's Aquaman Shrine

As promised, here are pics of F.O.A.M.er Brent Almond's personal Aquaman Shrine (although I like to think of this blog as everyone's personal Aquaman Shrine).

Okay, anyway, first up are the pics above, and here's what Brent had to say: "Most of my Super Powers collection. I do have the whole collection, but don't display the random, no-name ones (Parademon?) These nifty shelves are from Container Store.

Aquaman and the rest of the Super Friends gang get the top, while the lower level is for my next level faves. Note Green Arrow has indeed lost his arm. It came off in an unfortunate incident involving the nearby blinds chord, but I thought it was so cool that he instantly turned into Dark Knight Green Arrow, so I left it that way! :)"
"Framed animation cell, from the 1960s Filmation series. 3 keychains and a lapel pin, all from Six Flags."

"Shrine shelf 1 (custom Bruce Timm Aquaman in the middle) and Shrine shelf 2 (I've got my Aquaman and Manta Pocket Super Heroes on the bottom right. My Aqualad got dismembered and is in the bottom of the glass in the back right. If they ever bring Tempest/Garth back, I guess I'll put him back together!)"

...I dig that carded Comic Action Heroes Aquaman in the back. If I ever break into Brent's house (doubtful) that'd be the first thing I steal.

Great pics Brent, thanks for sharing!


Wings1295 said...

Great stuff! Love the pics, and love knowing my shelves have pseudo-siblings out there. :)

And Rob... "Doubtful"??? hahahaha

Orin's dad said...

I agree with Wings...it's great knowing that there's a lot of shelves in homes that look like mine. :-)

Aquamariner said...

Very cool! I love Orm's action figure!

And I agree with both guys up there, I have one in my bedroom, though I wish i had that many Aqua-figures/toys!

David J. Cutler said...

Very nice collection--couple items there I've always wanted but don't have--the DC Super Friends kids line toy, and the old timey Super Friends Black Manta.

Anonymous said...

These are in my home office, so I can have as many "toys" as I want. :)

Looking at my collection, they really need to make a (non-Red Lantern) Mera figure soon!


(PS: Rob, there's an alarm rigged to the Comic Action Hero! I had that figure as a kid, so it was one of my first - and favorite - ebay purchase when I started collecting as an adult)