These pics are from F.O.A.M.er Chris Franklin, who bought these for his son as soon as he saw them. As you can see, Aquaman has a prominent place, as he does on most of the B&B merchandise. Chris had this to add: "My son's reaction to the inclusion of Aquaman was, of course, 'Outrageous!'"
I'd buy this set for myself though I don't think Darlin' Tracy would care to find them on the bed. Oh well.
Thanks Chris!
I want the pillowcases!!!
I'm going to buy sets for my nephews...and one for their auntie, of course. Cute, cute, cute.
There's a full set with a comforter too at WBShop: http://www.wbshop.com/BATMAN-The-Brave-and-the-Bold-Bed-Set/BATFRNOSSET,default,pd.html?cgid=bathome
I can't see a listing for just the sheets there, but there's a listing for just the comforter.
I'd be happy with just the one pillowcase.
Definitely going to buy some pillowcases for myself, and the bed sheet sets for posterity (ie Ebay in several years, haha).
Yeah, don't think my wife would go for this either. Too bad my oldest son shows no interest in super-heroes yet. Maybe the baby will when he gets older...
My youngest son is a bit too old now to want these in his room, and like you, my sweetie would be less than thrilled to find them in our room. But hey - they are cool!
My husband said that if I can get a set, he'll let me put it in the guest room.
I'm Getting a set even if it keeps me from getting married...ever
Good night, sleep tight, don't let the Blue Beetles bite!
Orin needs this bad for his room. Is this a WB store/online thing only? Or are there stores where they can be found? Little help?
Hey Orin's dad,
We found this sheet set at a Wal-Mart. I've yet to find a full comforter, just twin. We may have to order that online.
But just look in the kid's bedding section of your retailer. It may be waiting for you!
Sweet! Thanks for the info Chris. I'll have to hunt around here locally and see what I can find. I appreciate the help!
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